Thursday, October 20, 2016

Decision 2016

2016 Presidential Debates...What did we learn?

Finally, the third and final debate is now in the rear view mirror and we can now try to get our individual  feelings and emotions in check to enable us to make a decision on what our countries direction will be for the next four years, and who will lead us in that direction.

What will your "Decision Making Process" entail ?  Have you thought this step through with the attention it requires?  Do you have your list of questions that you need answered before you make this important decision? Have you identified what is necessary for your family, your friends, your country, and mankind to move forward and not merely exist but grow/communicate/set and achieve goals/have and realize dreams/participate in life/ make an impact on someone,something?
Are your values and principles clearly identified to be able to allow you to determine what is and what is not acceptable?

The information, which will provide the answers to your questions, which will provide the basis for your conclusions, is overwhelming in volume but underwhelming in substance.  It is up to us to take this mountain of information, evaluate it, dissect it, and verify it. Then apply it's relevence to your questions and to your principles and equate these into your answers.


We can watch and listen to our favorite propaganda news channel, follow blindly their selected version of reality, follow their agenda and cast, or should i say "throw away", your vote to the candidate they deem electable.

What is your version of reality?  What is your agenda? What is important to you, your family, your friends, your country and mankind?

People, we need to assume the responsibility of being a human being and quit allowing others to take that from us.  This responsibility requires us to be totally accountable, to respect our friend and foe, to devote the necessary time and effort in all endeavors to ensure outcomes and decisions consider as many variables as possible, and to listen and allow others to communicate what they deem to be important and relevant to the issues and challenges we face.

Right now, for most of us, we are merely spectators.  The "game" is being played by others.  We all have opinions, we all have answers, we all have solutions.  But we are not heard nor are we relevant....UNTIL.....our support and vote is needed for those playing the game to win.

Our support, our vote, is the single most powerful influence we will have in determining our direction.  BUT ONLY if we fulfill our responsibility to devote the time and energy to do the research, to evaluate the rhetoric, to find answers to our questions, to define our values and principles and demand our leaders meet those expectations, and to demand that a condition of our support/vote is accountability for promises and commitments made by the "players/candidates".

The importance of this decision in front of us cannot be overstated.  

We have flawed candidates, just as we are all flawed.  However, two of these candidates were chosen by their respective parties through a popular vote and appointed delegate selection process. We only have ourselves to blame for that selection. 

We, however, are tasked with the responsibility to make the "right decision".  A decision that will determine what opportunities our children and grandchildren will have in their future.  A decision that will determine this countries prosperity, or lack thereof.  A decision that will affect peoples freedoms worldwide.  A decision that we will be totally accountable for when we have to answer the questions of our children and grandchildren, years from now, when they ask "how did we get to where we are"?


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