Obligation..."something you must do because of a law, rule, promise", "an act or course of action to which a person is morally bound, a duty or commitment". "The state, fact, or feeling of being indebted to another for a special service or favor received."
Each and every Elected Official, whether it be City/State/Federal, has an "Obligation" to the MAJORITY Voters in that elected official's governing locale to fulfill the commitment and promise that the elected official made when representing their specific/overall platform.
Each and every legal registered voter who voted, each and every legal citizen of the US, should expect these "Obligations" to be met, or at a minimum, to be continuously pursued during the course of that Elected Official's term in their respective government positions.
Each and every Elected Official is accountable to the voter's to fulfill the commitments and promises they represented to the voter's during their respective campaign's.
Each and every voter must hold the Elected Official accountable for the commitments and promises the Elected Official represented during their campaign which provided the basis for being elected.
Simple, fair, reasonable expectations. We deserve this much, as a minimum, from our Elected Officials.
Individual and Party Agenda's are being pursued which have no similarities to the commitments and promises made during the election process.
Political Parties are changing party goal's and platforms based upon influences created by the Press, protest groups, lobbyists, foreign country pressures, rumor's, and political advisor's who have played the "game" so long, they no longer understand who they serve.
Our Congressional Representatives first priority is to their individual careers, not to the voters who elected them and they have become the opposition to the President's "elected" agenda.
We, the voter's and legal citizens of the United States, are being deceived by our Elected Officials who feel they have no "Obligation" to fulfill the commitments and promises they made to us in return for our support and vote. These Elected Officials are indebted to the voters for the favor they received by way of our votes. It matters not that we are Democrats/Republicans/Libertarians/Independents. We are all part of one country, The United States of America, and our votes are being wasted and ignored by the very Elected Officials that we have selected through our Democratic process.
Today we are witnessing a combination of corruptness and stupidity from our government that will result in tearing this country apart. Instead of the focus being on jobs, economy, healthcare, taxes, and elimination of terrorism, our Elected Officials are spreading rumors, sabotaging efforts, lying to the American people, playing party politics, and showing the world again that we are not the World Leaders that they desperately want us to be today.
This country has suffered greatly due to the poor Government Leadership over the past 28 year period. Both Democratic and Republican Leadership have failed. They have failed to do two things. They have failed to work together as a Team, and they have failed to recognize and meet the "Obligations" they have to us, the citizens of the United States.
Both parties have lied, they have deceived, they have stolen, they have committed numerous crimes which any one of us as citizens would have been prosecuted and convicted without hesitation.
The real concern? Why are we, the voters not demanding accountability for the Elected Leaders "Obligations" that they have as a result of our votes?
Our country is better than what we have experienced for the last 28 years, and what we continue to experience today. Friends are fighting friends, neighbors are not talking to each other, families are divided, and it is all attributable to our failed leaders.
This has to change now, or we will fail as a country.
The solution? Demand accountability from our Congressional Representatives, our Senators, and our President. Stop the rumors, stop the backstabbing, prosecute criminals when crimes are committed, remove politicians who violate our rules/laws, and stop tolerating the governments arbitrary interpretation of the Constitution.